on conditions of reciprocityの例文
acceptable form of reciprocity
Acceptable form of reciprocity

acoustic reciprocity theorem
Acoustic reciprocity theorem

artin reciprocity
Therefore, the Artin reciprocity law can be interpreted as one of the main theorems of global class field theory. It combines with Pontryagin duality to give a clearer if more abstract for......

artin reciprocity law
Therefore, the Artin reciprocity law can be interpreted as one of the main theorems of global class field theory. It combines with Pontryagin duality to give a clearer if more abstract for......

balanced reciprocity
Hence one finds generalized reciprocity within the household-kinship group, balanced reciprocity within a spatial community, and negative reciprocity with outsiders ( i . e . outside the c......

basis of reciprocity
Treaties have been made on the basis of reciprocity. We must seek the precise and accurate implementation of agreements signed on the basis of reciprocity, Rabin said Israel would implemen......

biquadratic reciprocity
Gauss published two monographs on biquadratic reciprocity. In the second one ( 1832 ) he stated the biquadratic reciprocity law for the Gaussian integers and proved the supplementary formu......

biquadratic reciprocity law
In the second one ( 1832 ) he stated the biquadratic reciprocity law for the Gaussian integers and proved the supplementary formulas. While in Breslau, Dirichlet continued his number theor......

born reciprocity
This quantum group was linked to a toy model of Planck scale physics implementing Born reciprocity when viewed as a deformation of the Heisenberg algebra of quantum mechanics. It has also ......

committee for reciprocity information
There he was an alternate member of the Committee for Reciprocity Information, which took care of technical work relating to trade agreements under the Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act and d......

condition of reciprocity
The following day the United Arab Republic also accepted the ceasefire solution, on condition of reciprocity. That is the conditions of reciprocity that would make the talks believable to ......

courtesy calls for reciprocity
Since ancient we ' ve know ” courtesy calls for reciprocity ” , the key element of modern enterprise of success is to communicate and benefit for each other , forming a invisible competiti......

courtesy demands reciprocity
"We have a saying, ` Courtesy demands reciprocity .'The Chinese side is entitled to express its displeasure and take corresponding actions,"

cubic reciprocity
:: Have you taken a look at Quadratic reciprocity and Cubic reciprocity? The class field theory project included the'higher reciprocity laws'( cubic reciprocity ) and so on. Finally, a foo......

diplomatic reciprocity
Because of diplomatic reciprocity, Great Powers would only send a Minister to a smaller monarchy or a republic. Diplomatic reciprocity meant that even a major monarchy would only establish......

disclosure reciprocity
Rubin " conducted influential early studies on disclosure reciprocity in naturalistic settings, such as in airport departure lounges and at bus stops . " His work also examined the develop......

eisenstein reciprocity
This is the first case of Fermat's last theorem . ( The second case is when p \ mid xyz . \; ) Eisenstein reciprocity can be used to prove the following theorems Part 4 covers cyclotomic f......

electroacoustical reciprocity theorem
Electroacoustical reciprocity theorem

ethic of reciprocity
Jones was famous for his outspoken advocacy of the proverbial Ethic of reciprocity or " Golden Rule, " hence his nickname. A fancy name for it is the " ethic of reciprocity, " which means ......

ethics of reciprocity
Jones was famous for his outspoken advocacy of the proverbial Ethic of reciprocity or " Golden Rule, " hence his nickname. A fancy name for it is the " ethic of reciprocity, " which means ......

explicit reciprocity law
Explicit formulas for this are sometimes called explicit reciprocity laws. There are also several explicit reciprocity laws for various generalizations of the Hilbert symbol to higher loca......

formal reciprocity
Pennsylvania recognizes carry permits from some other states by statute and has formal reciprocity with some others for resident and non-resident permits. As of March 23, 2015, non-residen......

free field reciprocity calibration
Free field reciprocity calibration ( to give the free-field response, as opposed to the pressure response of the microphone ) follows the same principles and roughly the same method as pre......

frobenius reciprocity
The relation between restriction and induction is described by Frobenius reciprocity and the Mackey theorem. The defining formula of Frobenius reciprocity can be extended to general comple......

general reciprocity law
Two years after the publication of his general reciprocity law in 1927, Artin rediscovered the principalization problem for ideal classes of algebraic number fields into the group theoreti......